Celebrate love in a different way this Valentine’s Day

Feb 2023
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Everyone’s circumstances are different, so rather than getting sucked into the commercialism and usual trope surround Valentine’s Day, take inspiration from this fun list of ways to celebrate February 14th that don’t revolve exclusively around having that ‘special someone’ or spending a small fortune on declaring your undying love.

Celebrate friendship and fun

Valentine’s Day isn’t all about spoiling and appreciating one single person. In fact, in a number of countries, St Valentine’s Day is recognised as a day to appreciate your friends. Call it what you will – Galentine’s Day, Ystävänpäivä” (Friends Day), or Dia del Amor y la Amistad (Day of Love and Friendship) – there are a host of beautiful global traditions that use this day in February as the perfect opportunity to celebrate friendship, rather than a significant other. Be inspired by Finland, where people arrange social gatherings to bring their favourite people together. Invite your friends over for brunch or dinner, where you can share good food and spend time catching up, sharing good food and laughing. To spread the cost, why not ask everyone to bring a dish? If you’re worried about having somewhere to sit everyone, take a look at our fantastic range of dining sets that can sit from four to eight people.

Marking the day this way makes people of all ages feel included, as you can encourage children to take time to celebrate their special friendships. Closer to home, there are also some regional customs in England, including a character called Jack Valentine in Norfolk who knocks on the door on Valentine’s Eve (Feb 13th) and leaves sweets and token gifts for children on the doorstep. If you’re feeling cheeky and your recipient has a sense of humour, you can use it as an excuse for a harmless prank.

Choose self-love

Don’t be like the South Koreans who mourn single life and drown their sorrows on Black Day if they don’t receive anything from an admirer on Feb 14th. Instead, prioritise yourself and take time to enjoy things you are usually too busy to do. This could mean a pamper day, yoga class, a trip to the movies or a museum, a wander round a market or even a day trip to the beach. Alternatively, curl up with a good book or podcast. It’s your day – you can do all or none of the above – the most important thing is taking time out to do what makes you happy and feel a bit special. Put yourself first for a change.

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Get out in the garden

In Slovenia, St Valentine was one of the saints of spring, the saint of good health and also of beekeepers. Rather than a day of love and romance, February 14th is celebrated as the day that nature wakes up, flowers and plants start to grow and it is also when the first work in vineyards commences. Sounds like the perfect excuse to up tools and head outside to the garden for a boost of serotonin that only digging around in the soil can bring.

Ok, it’s still only February, so pretty early on in the gardening season, but you can still plant some bulbs for a burst of colour in late spring/early summer, or you can even plant out carrots, parsnips and early beetroot under cloches. Ultimately, it’s a great way to spend your day and will also give you a head start on getting your garden looking its best this spring.

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Do something together

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If there is someone special you want to celebrate with, remember that showing you care doesn’t have to mean armfuls of over-priced roses, inflated set menus at picture-perfect restaurants or extravagant gifts. You can still deliver on the romance front by just spending quality time together doing something you both enjoy or, better yet, trying something new.

We’re all experiencing a squeeze on our finances, so don’t bow to pressure to spend money you don’t have on February 14th. Simple pleasures don’t need to be expensive, so why not head out for a romantic walk, taking in nature or favourite landmarks? In the brisk February weather and after filling your lungs with fresh air, you’ll come home ready for a cosy homecooked meal and will have plenty to talk about over dinner. Alternatively, indulge in a hobby you both share or introduce your partner to an activity you love – this is a great way to establish a connection, particularly if the relationship is fairly new. You don’t have to take it too seriously, you want to have fun and relax. Hey, did we mention gardening?

Snuggle up after a busy day spent enjoying each other’s company and watch a movie or enjoy a glass of something. Our Bahamas chaise lounge set – suitable for use indoors or out – provides the perfect backdrop for a cosy romantic afternoon or evening, delivering optimum comfort and the ideal setting for relaxed conversation.



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