LifestyleGarden Social Accountability
LifestyleGarden® strives to deliver the highest standards and behaviour relating to corporate social compliance.
As well as providing customers with responsibly sourced garden furniture, LifestyleGarden® is committed to supporting labour rights and protection in the workplace. This includes the complete abolition of child labour, the elimination of forced labour, freedom of association and the elimination of any form of discrimination.
It is important for LifestyleGarden® to assure respect for human and labour rights. Key features of this are:
- BSCI monitoring of all operations in Vietnam since 2008
- SA 8000 certificates for the operations in Brazil (2012) and Indonesia (2001)
- Our own Code of Conduct.
- OHSAS 18001 certification for health and safety management was obtained for the Vietnamese operation in 2014.
- Being a signatory to the UN Global Compact
In addition to our BSCI monitoring and certifications, this sends a clear signal to all our stakeholders that we are committed to doing business the right way and also supports our activities in terms of meeting the CSR requirements of our global customers.
Social Compliance Statement
LifestyleGarden® commits to fully respect the International Standards, Acts, Conventions, Declarations and the Local Laws on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in countries where LifestyleGarden® operates its manufacturing or trading business.
LifestyleGarden® ensures proper investment on having a proper system for identifying the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking risks at its own facilities and its supply chain and a proper mechanism to prevent these risks from appearing within LifestyleGarden® and its supply chain.
LifestyleGarden® also collaborates with internal and external stakeholders in addressing all the potential risks and supporting awareness programs on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking risks with appropriate prevention mechanisms in LifestyleGarden®, its supply chain and the communities.
LifestyleGarden® is a registered trademark owned by ScanCom International A/S. The LifestyleGarden® brand, together with all the materials, pictures and tools shown on this web page belongs to ScanCom International A/S, as leading manufacturer of ethical furniture with legal headquarters in Denmark.